Association of Operating Room Nurses
This piece is designed to recruit new members to a career in nursing. We staged and shot a surgery consultation, actual surgery, and post operative care at the Lancaster General Health Campus.
Designed as a "mini feature," the film follows a patient through her surgical procedure and demonstrates the roll a RN plays in each step. Our main client contact Susan Graybill says we were a dream to work with, and she is happy to provide a reference to anyone who would like one.
Lancaster General Hospital
We have designed and produced many different projects for the Lancaster General system over the length of our 15 year relationship. This ranges from assisting with the production of major budget :30 spots, to marketing promotions, an employee orientation tape and most recently a recruitment film for the hospital's College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences. Our crews and producers have worked everywhere from the O.R, to the I.C.U., Cardiac Catherization labs, Women and Babies Hospital and even in the kitchen and cafeteria.
The quote from Matt London
of Donovan Advertising, the main agency for the hospital
"We're so happy, you just write down what you want us to say and we'll sign
This campaign is designed to raise money for three key areas of this charitable organization - a retirement community, child care centers and benevolent spending. We used a combination of interviews and testimonials from persons benefiting from these programs in order to explain their importance. This campaign also included a tri-fold brochure, and still portraits. Client Renee Detrich reported almost all "5's" on our follow up survey , and specifically says "Producer Mark Myers handled the interviews with an amazing expertise."
Lancaster General College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences
Lancaster General came to us needing to double the number of students entering their training programs over the next year. We suggested a several pronged approach including printed brochures, a new web site, and a film to be shown at recruitment gatherings or mass mailed. Part of the campaign was also a :30 spot aimed at promoting healthcare as a high tech field, where you still interrelate and care for people. Since the audience is high school students, we suggested cable advertising on MTV, and selected broadcast advertising on very specific time slots. The :30 is fast paced, with driving music.
Moravian Manor
This retirement and rehabilitation community in Lititz, Pennsylvania needed something to demonstrate their unique ways of caring for residents to new, potential patients and their families.
Smokey's came up with the concept of using their weekly staff meeting as a place to introduce each of the disciplines coordinated to provide superior care, and spin off into demonstrations of this care. The project was so successful that after a year, the community stopped accepting applications until a large building project could be completed. They are currently planning to update and re-work the video when this expansion is finished.
Produced in conjunction with advertising agency Kelly Michener, this marketing video is aimed at promoting a new medical product and procedure to doctors.
Smokey's contributed a treatment, principal photography and post production to the film. Produced with slowly moving dolly shots, in a classic environment, the film was a success in promoting the product.
195 W Broad St, Salunga PA 17538
Phone: 717-393-5504 - 1-800-839-5990 - Fax: 717-393-1833
Developed at the Qube Factory